Consultancy Tools

Generating datasets to producing meaningful analysis, reporting and publications

For a number of years now we have been assisting clients with exporting medical data from their database systems and helping them produce meaningful analysis, reporting and publications. Exporting data from a database is relatively straight forward nowadays due to the fact that most systems have the ability to export database tables as either utf8 comma separated values (.csv) or javascript object notation (.json). A common problem that clients encounter concerns the sheer volume of data being exported. Millions of records exported as a .csv file can often exceed the importing capabilities of most - if not all - spreadsheet software applications; the usual tool of choice for further analysis. Microsoft Excel and Apple Numbers spring to mind. To this end we have developed a number of applications designed to manage large volumes of data for specific cohorts. We like to think of these applications as Consultancy Tools and to-date we have solutions covering Biliary Atresia, Dipyridamole, Hirschsprung's Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Kawasaki Disease and Kidney Disease.