Importing, Organising, Cleansing and Mapping

Importing, organising, cleansing and mapping .csv and .json files

Consultancy Tool are capable of performing a number of important and useful tasks, the first being the ability to import, organise, cleanse, map and desensitise .csv and .json files. Cleansing is the process of ’tidying’ up and transforming the imported data into consistent values and formats such as dates, values, measures and codes. The consultancy tools are able to do this using arrays of internal mappings that have been developed and refined over time. Mapping is perhaps the most important task that the Consultancy Tools carry out and this is where particular fields from the imported files can be identified and mapped onto a known data type which in turn is used to to unify data from other imported files to produce linked datasets. Finally, aliases are applied to patient and doctor names, dates are advanced or retarded to make the patient data anonymous, thereby making the data viewable within the app and exportable to reports and publications whilst respecting patient confidentiality.